Galileo Galilei

Melissa Yu. 02/13/2021

Some time ago, I visited Italy and went to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. There, I learned about Galileo.

Galileo Galilei was a scientist from Italy. Long ago, a famous philosopher named Aristotle declared that if two objects were falling from the same height, the heavier one would fall quicker. However, Galileo proved him wrong by dropping two objects from the Leaning Tower. seeing that the two objects fell at the same rate. Later, back home, I researched about Galileo and was soon very interested.

Hans Lippershey invented the first telescope, but Galileo made a better version and pointed it to the sky. That led him to the discovery that Jupiter has four moons. On January 7, 1610, Galileo saw three things circling around Jupiter. On another day, he saw four of them. Galileo was able to soon conclude that these were moons orbiting around Jupiter, and that not everything circles around the Earth, like people previously thought.

Galileo was once house-arrested for showing his theory about Jupiter’s moons. Even so, he decided to make more theories, even if he was not allowed to share them. This made me think you can do anything even if you are pushed back with an obstacle stopping you. Galileo’s theories were eventually looked at a long time after his death in 1642. People soon realized that his theories were true. This made me think that nothing is wasted; everything you do may be important in the distant future.

Galileo Galilei was an inspirational “father of modern science” that changed my life in many ways. For example, he changed how I viewed science. I did not think of it as experiments and answering questions, but instead viewing the world in another way. Sometimes people have guesses, but there is one interesting truth.

The year after I went to Italy, I decided to write a fiction story, with the obstacle that I would not have that much time to finish it. Even to this day, I still try to work on it because I know I could be like Galileo and accomplish things that seem hard even if there are obstacles ahead. Maybe, in the future, it will make an impact on the world like Galileo’s theories!